2D Animation Sample
Grow Animation Studios

Best Explainer Video Examples – Top 5

Grow Animation Studio 

We’ve produced hundreds of explainer videos over the last few years. For this post, we selected the Top 5 Best Animated Explainer Video Examples. The selection includes explainer videos produced for different purposes and industries. Each animation video has a unique style. The style is designed to fit the company’s visual identity. You can check our animation styles here. The video below presents the whole reel. This post details information on each video in terms of objectives, process, and delivery.

Number 5 – Logistics Automation App

The first video on this list was produced for SuperBock Group. It is the leading company in beer production and distribution in Portugal. The goal of the video is to present their innovative app. The app’s main selling point is making logistics procedures more efficient. Considering the objectives, the Isometric style fits well in showing the logistic side of production. The Isometric style allows for showing warehouses and procedures more clearly. You can find out more about Isometric Videos here.

The SuperBock Group company has over 600 employees. They’ve used the video to present their app at an internal conference. The video facilitates the app onboarding for all employees. It is common for big companies to produce animated marketing videos for internal use. We’ve also produced a year-in-review video with the company’s achievements during the year. We can’t show the whole video, but you can see one scene in the Top 5 Videos Reel above.

Isometric Animation Video
Screenshot of Isometric Animated Video produced for SuperBock Group

Number 4 – Data Access – Top 5 Best Animated Explainer Video Examples

The fourth video belongs to the Durham Regional Government in Canada. The goal of this video was to explain to Durham residents how they can make a data request. This procedure follows the regional government’s compliance with the access to information law. The animation style was created to be simple and appealing.

The animation depicts the whole data flow. It starts with submitting the data via the options available, goes through processing in the office, and ends in the regional government response. The video is delivered on the Region of Durham YouTube channel and their webpage in the corresponding section. Having the video on the data request page helps viewers understand the process quickly. In 1 minute, the viewers learn the process with ease. It is much better than spending 10 minutes reading text and browsing through the steps and details.

Number 3 – Online Optometry Consultation

LasikDocs is the brand of the third video. LasikDocs is an innovative optometry clinic. The animation presents its unique offering that includes an initial online consultation. Due to their innovative approach, the animation style is clean and modern. The same applies to the color pallet. In this case, it’s minimalistic. Therefore, the purple of the brand is used along with a complementary green.

The video’s main use is on the website to introduce viewers to the company. The script starts by explaining the company’s core values and positioning in the market. Both in terms of quality and price structure. Following this, the video continues by explaining the four steps involved in performing the eye surgery procedure. By the end, the viewer has enough information to move forward and book a free virtual consultation.

Number 2 – Medical Aid Animation – Top 5 Best Animated Explainer Video Examples

The fourth video presents Medicin San Frontieres (Doctor Without Borders). The animation is part of a longer video that includes footage and pictures. The goal of this video is to show the aid the organization provided in South Africa to fight COVID. As a result, the backgrounds and characters represent the countries that received help.

The animation was designed to illustrate the work performed by the organization in the field. In addition, it depicts the impact of that work on the local populations. This project also involved video editing by incorporating interview footage and site pictures. We do not have permission to show the whole video. Still, you can see one scene in the Top 5 Videos Reel above.

2D animation medical
Screenshot of Animated Video produced for MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières)

Number 1 – Science Automation

Finally, the last video on this list belongs to Curiox Biosystems. The goal was to promote an automated cell preparation device to be used in a laboratory. The objective was to produce a lighthearted story with a comical tone. The main selling point of the device is making the job of the scientist more efficient. The animation shows the struggles scientists currently face. Besides that, it shows how the job improves by using the device.

The video is delivered through the Curiox website and YouTube channel. Empathizing with the day-to-day struggles of a lab technician via text is very difficult. Animation makes it possible to present the struggles in a relatable way. At the same time, it clearly showcases the benefits of workflow improvement of the automation device.

Ready for our Explainer Video Services?

If you’re looking to get an animated explainer or promotional video, Grow Animation Studios is here to help. Just contact us via the form below. You can also check our portfolio here. We also have a blog post detailing the price ranges for explainer videos and another post explaining how our animation services work.

We’re ready to produce an engaging and eye-catching animated explainer video for you. Our video animation services include storyboard illustration, script writing, professional voice-over, and sound design. We specialize in 2D animation and 3D Isometric Animation. You can see what past clients have to say about us here.

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    3 thoughts on “Best Explainer Video Examples – Top 5

    1. […] Animation Studio December 8, 2022December 16, 2022 Explainer Video […]

    2. […] Previous Post Best Explainer Video Examples – Top 5 […]

    3. […] With this, the price range for promotional animations is very wide. Considering a 1-minute explainer video, the cost can be as low as $50 or as high as $5000. The lower-cost options involve DIY and template solutions. The higher-cost options are high-end animations produced by multiple persons.You can check our guide on explainer video prices to better understand the different price ranges. Inside you’ll find information about the animation quality for each range. This is illustrated with examples too.At Grow Animation Studios, the price for a 1-minute animation minute ranges from $850 to $1300. Varying with the animation style and complexity. You can check a breakdown on our animation styles page. This is our Top 5 Explainer Videos Reel. […]

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